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Jim & Heather Scott

7150 Hawthorne Dr. Unit 104
Windsor, ON, N8T 3N3

Phone: (519) 974-6688
Toll Free: +1 866-973-4846
Fax: (519) 974-7192

Estate & Insurance Planning

Life Insurance (Term, Whole Life & Universal Life)

Life Insurance can sometimes be a difficult conversation, but if someone depends on you financially, it's a conversation that shouldn't be avoided. In the event of a tragedy, life insurance proceeds can:

  • Pay off outstanding debt, including your mortgage and credit card
  • Help pay the ongoing living expenses of your loved ones
  • Finance future needs, such as your children's education, wedding or down-payment on a home
  • Protect your spouse's retirement plans
  • Pay for funeral costs
  • Continue a family business
  • Pass on an inheritance to your loved ones

It is our job to have the conversation with you, educate you on your options and make recommendations on the right type of Life Insurance and coverage amount for you. Then, it's your decision!

Critical Illness Insurance

A critical illness could be one of the biggest challenges you face in your lifetime. Financial obligations, such as supporting your family and unexpected medical bills, can add unnecessary stress. Critical Illness Insurance will provide financial support when you need it most during your recovery.

Critical Illness Insurance provides a lump-sum benefit if you are diagnosed with - and survive - a covered critical illness for the survival period of 30 days. Here are just a few ways that your Critical Illness Insurance benefit may assist you during your time of need:
  • Pay off credit cards or other debts
  • Reduce your mortgage debt
  • Help keep your business running
  • Modify your home or vehicle
  • Fund in-home assistance
  • Fund a leave of absence for yourself or your spouse
  • Access advanced medical services outside of Canada
  • Pay for medications and treatment not covered by provincial health plans
  • Spend valuable time with family.

Disability Insurance

Your greatest asset is your ability to earn an income. When you are disabled because of an illness or injury, your income stops but your bills don't. Individual Disability Insurance provides you with a non-taxable monthly benefit which will allow you to maintain your lifestyle during a time of injury or sickness that prevents you from performing the important duties of your occupation.

Your health is your wealth. If you earn $50,000 and you are 30 years of age, your potential earnings to age 65 are $1.75 million provided you maintain your health and your ability to work. $1.75 million is likely the largest asset that you have it is important to ensure this asset is properly protected.

As Disability Insurance specialists, we work with our clients to determine how much you need, how soon you'll need it and for how long you would like the benefits to last.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Today, we perform day-to-day activities with ease getting out of bed, taking a shower, walking up and down stairs - but this can change especially as we age. Fortunately, these changes don't often happen overnight, but are more of a gradual process. 

When building your retirement income plan, you should not overlook your future health care needs. Long-Term Care Insurance can help you protect this plan - helping you maintain your standard of living as best you can.

LTC Insurance covers the cost of your care should you be unable to perform two of the six activities of daily living or be cognitively impaired (bathing, eating, dressing, transferring, toileting, continence).

Mortgage Insurance

Individual Health and Dental Insurance



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Insurance products, and other related financial services are provided by Seguin Financial Group as independent insurance agents, and are not the business of, or monitored by Sterling Mutuals Inc.

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